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Charlotte County commissioners support right to own & carry guns

CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. – Charlotte County Commissioners unanimously agreed Tuesday to become a gun sanctuary meaning the county supports constitutional law guaranteeing you the right to own and carry guns.

Not a single person in the county’s chambers spoke in opposition of the second amendment sanctuary.

Some say Charlotte County is taking aim to protect second amendment rights. 

“It’s been said, more guns, less crime. What it takes to eliminate a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun,” Michael Zarzano said.

“Guns are just a tool. They’re not killers,” Bonnie Burns from Defend Florida said. “I can lay my gun on my front porch and guarantee you it’s not killing anybody but if someone picks it up and pulls the trigger yeah then there’s a problem.”

Charlotte County is now adding its name to the growing list of second amendment sanctuaries in Florida. Lee, Hendry, Desoto and Collier are all already on the list among 43 other Florida counties.

“Those people who are properly licensed and properly carry where they choose to in legal means should continue to have that right to do so to protect themselves, their family and their surroundings,” commissioner Bill Truex said.

Truex and the entire commission unanimously pulled the trigger approving the resolution Tuesday. Those in opposition though are firing back their thoughts. 

“This is going in the absolute wrong direction,” Teresa Jenkins said, chair of the Charlotte County Democrats.

“The use of the word sanctuary seems to be very unfit,” Jean Finks added, president of the Charlotte County league of women voters. “Sanctuary usually means to go to a place of safety. People with guns shouldn’t have to need a place of safety. We ordinary citizens without guns need it much more.”

Opposers like Finks and Jenkins said they are worried about violence. Commissioners said guns are for protection. Supporters agree the second amendment gives them a way to protect against intruders, criminals, and a bad government. 
They’re worried if the federal government infringes on their right to bare arms: “the rest will be taken away from us if we don’t secure our right to protect those rights,” Burns said.

In Florida, there are more than 1.3 million concealed weapons permits.

The post Charlotte County commissioners support right to own & carry guns appeared first on NBC2 News.

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